About Me

My photo
Murrieta, CA, United States
I'm not a mini-van-driving Soccer Mom. Err, well - we can 86 the Soccer part. And the mini-van. So I'm a Mom and I drive. I am a former careeraholic. Although I no longer work outside the home, my working hours have increased significantly. I am currently negotiating my salary. I am married to the Navy... I mean a Naval Petty Officer. We have three boys ages 13, 10 & 4 and two kittens who literally think they are people. I don't believe in Religion. I believe in Jesus and respect others' Spiritual identification. My views on politics can be described in one word: "Shcmolitics". I am honest, sensitive and genuine. I don't refer to human beings as [blog] "Traffic" or "Followers". FYI: I don't sell Mary Kay Cosmetics any longer - so you're off the hook.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Our Pics AUG - OCT 2008

Sorry the file's so large...blame technology!  Our chip holds like 500+ pics.  It adds up really fast!

1 comment:

Janeen said...

Love the pics! The boys are sure growning fast! Finally a few pics of you and Chris together!! You guys are just too adorable! luv ya