About Me

My photo
Murrieta, CA, United States
I'm not a mini-van-driving Soccer Mom. Err, well - we can 86 the Soccer part. And the mini-van. So I'm a Mom and I drive. I am a former careeraholic. Although I no longer work outside the home, my working hours have increased significantly. I am currently negotiating my salary. I am married to the Navy... I mean a Naval Petty Officer. We have three boys ages 13, 10 & 4 and two kittens who literally think they are people. I don't believe in Religion. I believe in Jesus and respect others' Spiritual identification. My views on politics can be described in one word: "Shcmolitics". I am honest, sensitive and genuine. I don't refer to human beings as [blog] "Traffic" or "Followers". FYI: I don't sell Mary Kay Cosmetics any longer - so you're off the hook.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Valuable Finds!

Best nail product I have found this year:
Sally Hansen Color Quick Fast Dry Nail Color Pen.

This is awesome! Really...best invention since sliced bread. It's so quick and easy! No bottle to spill, put it on then slip your (open-toed) shoes on and you're good to go! It's about $7 or $8 - can be found at virtually any retail store or pharmacy.

By the way...the most fashionable nail and lip colors this year are melons, corals and oranges. I bought the orange polish, but it's not too orange. It looks more like Mary Kay's Coral Rose Lip Gloss which is really pretty.

Best overall product for value and versatility:
Mary Kay's Extra Emollient Night Cream.

This product has been around since I was little. I can remember my Mom using it for all kinds of things...including diaper rash and sunburn. It's really thick and rich and works wonders on any type of skin problem. Even bug bites. It's $11.

Even though it's thick and rich, it spreads easily using a small amount when skin is wet. I'll list other common and ... not so common uses...not only by me but as reported by many other people.

Of course, it isn't up to me or Mary Kay to diagnose or treat any medical condition, these are personal opinions, not medical or scientific fact.

But, now that I've got that disclaimer out of the way, I'm telling you...this really, really works. No more staying up late watching infomercials feeling bad about my skin!

Here ya go!
- dermatitis
- eczema
- what was thought to be (and diagnosed as) acne or rosacea, but was just extremely dry skin
- psoriasis- dry winter feet
- chapped lips/hands- under eye treatment
- dab applied over acne gel spot treatment to prevent over-drying of skin
- lip moisturizer under makeup
- if used immediately after hair removal on wet skin, will prevent rash or irritation on bikini area, underarms and legs
- hang nails and other cuticle problems
- bites from chiggers that won't stop itching!
- prevents stretch marks (according to a few people I know) - wish I would have thought of using it!
- a dab around nostril area everyday during a cold helps prevent "tissue nose"
- just used as plain lip gloss. Has a pink-ish tint and is really thick and shiny. Cheaper than most lip glosses, too. Lips don't get addicted.
-dry, itchy elbows

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