About Me

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Murrieta, CA, United States
I'm not a mini-van-driving Soccer Mom. Err, well - we can 86 the Soccer part. And the mini-van. So I'm a Mom and I drive. I am a former careeraholic. Although I no longer work outside the home, my working hours have increased significantly. I am currently negotiating my salary. I am married to the Navy... I mean a Naval Petty Officer. We have three boys ages 13, 10 & 4 and two kittens who literally think they are people. I don't believe in Religion. I believe in Jesus and respect others' Spiritual identification. My views on politics can be described in one word: "Shcmolitics". I am honest, sensitive and genuine. I don't refer to human beings as [blog] "Traffic" or "Followers". FYI: I don't sell Mary Kay Cosmetics any longer - so you're off the hook.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Night Owl

We've all done it. But do we admit it? You know, sitting in the dark, the faint sound of Barney playing on PBS Sprout (even though the kiddos are asleep). The only other audible sound is your fingers tippity-tap-tip-tapping away on the keys of your handy-dandy laptop, which is usually anything but! You tell yourself you need to get to bed -- because there's no such thing as "catching up on sleep". Still, your mind is full of all the to-do lists. Back in the day, people used to keep a little notepad on their nightstand and jot the things down they needed to remember when the new day dawned.

Now, we have everything we need at our fingertips. Netbooks, Desktops, Laptops, Smartphones, Tabs, even Holograms!

But let me just pose this question: Is this a good thing?

I will be the first to say I love Twitter, Facebook and all things Social Media. However, could these tools actually be harmful? I'm sure there's a medical study out there somewhere proving my little musing is sorta-kinda accurate.

This is where we need to tell ourselves to "Step Away From The Smartphone"!


I didn't make a New Year's Resolution, but maybe it should be to spend a little less time hitting the snooze button --hitting less "buttons" for that matter and actually spend more time snoozing. Shouldn't we all?

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